Labels:bulletin board | crt screen | dialog box | monitor | plant | sky | web site | window | windowpane OCR: QFF Quick File Find (c) ACETON 1994 95 v 6.3 Dwner NOT REGISTERED Suntax QFF <searchspec> [/opt ionsl <searchspec> f i lename you are searching for wi ildcards may be used Special option: (see QFF DOC for more detailed info) [/optj ionsl conf i9 conf igure QFF S tandard options current tandard drives: CDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRS TUVWXYZ Inc lude SUBSIitu ted dr ives? NO Per orm SelfCheck on S tart? YES output without bed -ends 1s/ +-=]<size search for filesize ize p <date search for filedate <date format mmddyy or mmddyyyy) tL <time search for filetime <time Format hhmm or hhmmss grea ter than smaller than equa to ]<at +r search for filea ttr ibutes (HSRAD) conta ins <attr conta ins <attr NOT onIy <attr r[f Filename] red irect output to <filename> or QFF OUT if not specified Us j ing this program m ...